hangout with my fc. randomities. i love it when folks come visit or pick me up at my workplace. feels so loved. i like the feeling of expecting someone waiting for me after work. i don't mind if it's not a boyfriend. i swear people at work will die if a boy waits for me. hah.
so yeah. we had lunch at resto. which was kickass as usual. had my dosage of happy soda. it seriously makes me happy. try it sometime. i'll bring you. we couldn't decide where to go. you had one 'anything goes' and one 'i can't choose/decide for the life of me'. we end up walking around. getting caught in the middle of a heavy downpour. with a half-done bridge. helping me tie a bun at the bus-stop. going to an un-open bar. and finally settling at via mar. it's officially my favourite. they played il divo! i'm bias.

i was camera whoring all the way and my cousin was like WHATTHEHELL every 5 seconds. i took pictures while we're on the travelator. i went clickety-click when we had mirrors around us. we snapped away in the toilet. oh gawd, the nausea.
i learnt how to tie a bun with my hair. whee! at last. looks nice eh? i know, i know.. i SO need to learn how to style my hair. it's getting boring. and i'm beginning to get sick of my hang loose style. but heck. it kinda looks like james' tresses. sigh..
the next day, i went to the jurong bird park! hell yeah. it's been ages and the place looks fab. who wants to go? i feel like paying my flying-friendly friends a second visit.
it was an occasion for the family. friends were there. loads of food and there was even a lucky draw! here's a clue.
yes, it's a telephone booth!
look at the trees. aren't they beautiful? i totally miscalculate the huge-ness of the place. it was soo big that i was soo tired by the end of the trip. and we didn't even cover the whole place!
my mum was so psyched about the waterfall. i was like wth? must walk all the way inside. argh. but heck. it was beautiful. who cares if it's manmade?! it's breathtaking. i totally picture myself in the amazon. with the fog but minus the anacondas.
here's the happy camper posing with my new singapore post umbrella. i carry it with me everywhere. i'm. not. kidding.
here's the other 2 scouts. i secretly think my parents loved the trip. even though it was crowded. everyone was sweating. it was pouring. we were lugging around free bags which looked decently good by the way. and we had FREE kfc! so, i'm not complaining.
the birds were flying around. i envy their freedom. i think i'd like the ability to fly. just cause i can travel around the world without any baggage. it's so much easier to travel without a passport. where there's no boudaries. yet you're at risk of becoming a hunter's target. but still. birds always give me the impression that they're carefree and full of live. i'm not a fan of feathers tho. i think i should consult nathan petrelli on this. *winks*
my favourite part has got to be the penguins!!! they are the cutest things ever. standing straight like a security guard who's serious about his job. those who were swimming went wild. knocking against the glass cause there were so many of us pointing and placing our hands on it. kinda like THAT scene in titanic. i think the penguins here are soo much active than the ones at the zoo. i wonder what they have been feeding them?