dear jake jagielski, do you exist here in singapore? i'm having a hard time. there's no one here that comes close to you. the way you look at peyton. that, i would die for. even if you're here and gone the next moment. that, i don't mind.
a trip down memory lane. recalling the first time i set my eyes on rufus. i was instantly captivated. he was so intense, it was surreal. i remember a gay top. long hair that i wanted for myself. his eyes were staring right into the camera. sean lennon's penyek voice. i first saw robert schwartzman too. he was wearing 'i love pacino'. his bangs and the hands. how could i forget? that was one night. ironic. they're 2 of my fave people in music. fav singer. fav band's lead singer.
i'm supposed to post about hari raya. so, here goes. this year was different. i had an assignment due the next day. yes, the day after raya. i had a 9 o'clock class. six party talks with north korea. wtf? of course, prior to raya day, i chuck my stuff aside. there was soo many things to be done, i swear. hah. i was jotting down things in my tiny notebook while house-visiting. that was fun. yeah right. here are the pictures.
the family - my mother's side
all the ladiesi love brownies. i love teddy. i dig roy orbison. never knew falsetto was THAT hot. and i keep thinking of patrick in his maroon hoodie everytime i listen to 'in dreams'. i'm obsessed with that hoodie. I WILL GET IT! peppermint mocha, come to mummy. man, i need chooX2 to wake up and plan the party with me!
forsake the logic. of perfect plans. a perfect moment slip through our hands.
do you remember summerfling?
i miss you so.