what have i been up to lately?
for those who have no clue, you're not missing on anything. nothing spectacular, that is. i had a math test just now. that was ugh. a shitload of assignments due in less that 48 hours. that redneck is testing us! see if we'll break. write this, write that. i don't mind actually. but not that much of work! so yeah. socio project due in less than a week's time. oh ya, maths midterm this coming friday. i'm calling it, 'bloody friday'. after the russian massacre. i will be needing all your prayers. badly. so please. blessings, people!
7 days to go till my birthday. woo. hoo. yeah right. feel the enthusiasm. i'm not exactly dreading it. i just don't feel the exhilaration like i normally do. why? maybe cause birthday plans are shaky. not sure if i'm having the intended celebrations. nothing is concrete since the days are all booked by others. drats. so much for turning 21.
school is draining my energy. i feel like there's too many things to be done. i was commented twice for looking REALLY tired. true enough. i need tv time. the only shows i die-die must watch is reruns of one tree hil (JAKE!), grey's anatomy, prison break. did i mention, i LOVE 8th & ocean!
here's my wishlist. every year around october, i'll come up with one. it'll be super cool if someone did get me something from the list. i won't be able to thank you enough. seriously. of course, i'll love other stuff that i (might) get. so, no worries. i'm easy to please.
- il divo's latest/third album, SIEMPRE (it should be out by october!)
- il divo live at the greek dvd (it will be released on 4th december. but if you think you want to get this for me, i'm all for it! haha..)
- green or purple chuck taylors
- maroon hoodie
- hairspray the musical soundtrack
i'm so passive nowadays. it's infuriating! i lost my pizzazz.
p/s i miss so many of you.
you have no idea. silence does not mean ignorance. i think of you all the time. wherever you are.