credits: a snarly manis
i want to be like stanford.
"I never do that, approach someone," Stanford says. "I did that once when I was in college. I went up to a girl who was in Larry Clark 's 'Kids' and started talking to her, and you just realize that basically no one ever wants you to come up and speak to them. A lot of people are really good sports about it, and I'll try to be one. But after that one instance, I decided I didn't want to be the person to impose upon someone or put them on the spot."
Stanford is a self-described introvert. The attention of strangers makes him uncomfortable. He says he's been in the company of exhibitionist peers who craved the crowd. He adds that he fell into acting in part to overcome his shyness, to be a pretend extrovert if not a real one.
What isn't common is Stanford's refusal to act as if he enjoys the attention beyond the camera. He feels no compulsion to share his views on the war in Iraq. There's nothing he's desperate to buy, no car (unnecessary in the New York area), no flashy jewelry (it would clash with his studied casual look), no first-class plane tickets for trips he hopes he won't have time to take for a while.
"An indulgence? I don't have one," he says. "I pick up bar tabs a lot more for friends than I used to. But I keep it pretty simple. I'm less careful with things now because I have a little more financial stability, although who knows how long that's going to last?"