a year of advanced birthday wishes, celebrations and presents for me!
it wasn't all rosy..
it's so much harder to band the family together now. 5 of us are basically leading our seperate lives. busy with our own stuff. school. exams. work. so darn frustrating to come up with a plan when everyone is committed to something else. it's my birthday dinner! it matters so much to me.. i know its lame. but i think it is. period. imagine the chaos prior to the dinner. everyone was not free at the time stated. mum nagging. bro getting all heated up. me? it gets to the point where i've had enough. i didn't care where we eat. hell. i don't give two hoots even if we eat at the bloody roadside eating prata! i just want all of us together..
typically, we managed to resolve our differences and everyone was outside orchard 24 hours swensen at 10pm waiting in line for our table. that's my family. we could squabble till there's no tomorrow and yet somehow it'll all come together in the end. this year, we had late night supper at swensen. it was delicious! i had with me the most important people in my life. and that's what matters most.
went all the way to railway station to get my favourite chapati! as usual, i was weary bringing my friends over to that place. not many like the location. can't blame em. me? i don't give a damn how shoddy the place looks as long as i have my chapati! haha.. glad that there's a few that shares similar sentiments regarding my chapati. i love my chapati! again, i shall highlight the fact that i need to marry and indian boy. not kidding. i love indian food. too much.
we then went to bugis to walk around before deciding to settle in a cafe restaurant thingy that has tv screens all over the place. had my shirley temple. which was disappointing. still prefer the one at jb. chatted for a while. then walked around. in the end, we took photos which didn't turn out as we plan. but heck. i had fun! especially with my friends as company. thank you guys. although i had to admit that i was getting irritated that the planning process was rather haphazard. yet the end product was a delight. i had 7 goons to share it with. thanks guys.
and for my shameless plug-in. at the same time, acknowledging those people who had given me something for my birthday. shall include what they gave me so as to prevent any form of repetitive presents. argh! i love presents! more coming?
flappers & philosophers by scott fitzgerald, save me the waltz by zelda fitzgerald
a maroon handbag with retro prints
the skirt that i wore for grad
mum & dad
the pink flowery heels that i also wore for grad
marilyn monroe jigsaw puzzle, a pair of blue earrings and a flip-flop shaped pendant
the chapati meal
-thank you-
so far this is it. if i missed out anyone. i apologise.
3 more days to go. my birthday is on the 17th october. so, don't forget!